Theory of Personal Rest
This theoretical model pretends to explain psychopathologies concerning sleep disorders. This is a hypothesis of work. I will explain this model and after, I will expose different cases of subjects and the engage in this theorist model. The methodology will be to study of unique case.
Central Aspects
To expose the theoretical model, I will begin of the central part of this, because this concept is essential and name it.
The rest must be understand like to sleep. Rest is made by to sleep and is the principal axis of this model. Sleep is considered like a principal biological function. In fact, human beings are sleeping third part of their life, although the time changes with the age. Baby can sleep around 20 hours per day, meanwhile the adults can do it about 7 or 8 hours. Sleep is a so habitual action although, in part unknown, every years researchers make new knowledge about this function.
There are 5 phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 are stages no REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and the stage 5, this is a REM stage. When you are sleeping there are cycles, through the different stages. I would not like to make so extended this presentation of sleep phases, but the stages are different in the type of brain waves and other technical data. So for this model, are interesting two stages: stage 4 of NREM sleep and stage 5 of REM sleep.
Stage 4 is the deepest and most restorative sleep. In this stage, the brain has a soft activity. Breathing becomes slower and muscles are relaxed. Tissue growth and repair occurs and energy is restored. Hormones are released, such as: Growth hormone, essential for growth and development, including muscle development and brain activity. In 2008 the sleep profession in the US eliminated the use of stage 4. Stages 3 and 4 are now considered stage 3.
REM sleep is characterized by eye movement, increased respiration rate and increased brain activity. REM sleep stimulates the brain regions used in learning. This may be very important for normal brain development during infancy, which would explain why infants spend much more time in REM sleep than adults.
All of this may be conclude that the brain needs sleep, for rest like other organ of the body, and for enhance new learning. The skills are necessary for to stay on the world, in society.
If we think for a moment about type of brain's complex function, the list will be very long. Some of this is the memory: declarative memory is the knowledge of fact-based information, or "what" we know; procedural memory is to remember "how" to do something.
If the brain is recovered, this organ will be ready to make different functions. It is ready for to think, for to feel, to live. Researchers have focused on the impact of sleep deprivation on learning and performance. When we are sleep deprived, our focus, attention, and vigilance drift, making it more difficult to receive information. Without adequate sleep and rest, neurons cannot work longer function to coordinate information properly, and we lose our ability to access previously learned information.
Now many people sleep bad, some of them have a diagnostic for their problems, but others live with this problems like that they can. They will be very tired, and later they are going to be exhausted.
It is complicated to realize that brain's complex function if we have not slept. That makes we have trouble in job, with family, with friends... These troubles are for all aspects of our life. More troubles are synonyms of more stress. This is a circle: more stress, minus sleep, more trouble. At the end, the personal skills, the mental resources are empty, and person goes to the edge. That is the beginning of the pathology.
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